12 Step Immersion : Daily, Individualized Structure and Support
Inspired by the 12-Step program’s design for living. During the wellness retreat, individuals will receive professional, individualized attention on strengths, weaknesses, insight, and awareness activities leveraging the abundant nature opportunities on Harmony Hollow Farm. Our objective is conscious contact and letting go of our past.
Structured 12-Step immersion: Individuals will have the time to connect and re-connect with their inner selves and grow with the help of Harmony Hollow staff, who all have many years of continuous sobriety and working in the recovery field. The days are structured to allow an individual to get away, yet learn to be present, aware, and take time to heal and grow.
Personal Sober Coach
Individuals during their stay will have a personal sober coach at their side through every step of their spiritual journey. Our Harmony Hollow Sober Coach has over 34 years of experience working with nationally recognized interventionists, therapists and thought leaders in all aspects of spiritual growth and recovery. Through their immersion experience in nature, community, and agriculture, attendees will be able to process their concerns and fears with their coach.
Evaluation, Daily Groups and Exercises
Through groups and individual work during your retreat, you will experience exploration of new practice exercises necessary for growth and personal perspective through a connection with nature.
All exercises will be individualized to help you maximize your time at Harmony Hollow Farm. Our staff will meet with you and evaluate specific needs on an ongoing basis.
Equine Assisted Coaching
At Harmony Hollow Farm, our program manager Brad has over 20 years of experience in equine assisted therapy in the recovery field. You will learn new skills and gain tremendous awareness of yourself and others through this experiential activity.
Forest bathing, Grounding, and Earthing Activities
500 acres of Harmony Hollow Farm allows for an individual a unique opportunity to experience nature. Nature provides quiet and time to reflect. A Forest Therapy certified staff member will guide you through hundreds of trails to bathe in nature and participate in other earthing and grounding activities.
Concierge Services
Harmony Hollow Farm staff may arrange for attendees to have concierge services as needed. Depending on your needs, and what may be recommended. Harmony Hollow Farm can accommodate your needs for travel.
Mindfulness And Awareness Based Activities
Individuals will practice mindfulness and awareness through therapeutic and spiritual skill-learning exercises and engagement opportunities by our program director. This is a highlight of our wellness retreat; this opens the door to next level recovery; understanding and connection. .
Emotional Sobriety
Take that next step, move on from the past and enhance your life of recovery with improving your emotional sobriety. Why are you stuck? Why is simply not drinking working? Why have you plateaued? Why do you continue to relapse? The missing link is Emotional Sobriety…